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  • Cassie Glazier

Where It All Began

I grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico and loved everything about it especially the authentic Mexican food! We moved to Utah when I was 15 years old and I started at American Fork High School that fall as a sophomore. I met a group of friends and noticed one boy in particular that was dark haired and really cute. His name was Brandan. I had done hurdles in track & field for two years previous and wanted to do it at my new school. So I got my friend to join me and asked our group of friends if anyone wanted to. To my excitement, Brandan did! We had track practice every day after school so we started to get to know each other. I found that I loved talking to him and we had such great conversations. I starting telling him everything and anything and we talked often. We became best friends. It wasn't until months later that I realized I liked my best friend...a LOT.

In May 2012, we went to a mutual friend's birthday party. We watched the movie Iron Man outside. It was pretty chilly so we got to snuggle and he reached over and held my hand. I was so excited!! And that was the beginning for us!

As the months went by, we became even closer friends and spent as much time as we could together. We didn't rush into anything which I liked! September came and we hadn't kissed yet. He asked me to the Homecoming dance and I got my kiss by the end of the night ;)

The next few years of high school were so much fun! They were filled with pep rallies, football games, dances, hiking, and parties with friends. We never had to do anything extravagant, we loved just hanging out at a park or star gazing or grabbing Wendy's before a football game. As long as we were together we were having fun! That's still one of my favorite things about us now.  

Before we knew it, it was our senior year! I remember that being my favorite year of high school. A month or two before we graduated, Brandan turned in his application to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was assigned to Madagascar!! I was super excited for him and was so proud of his choice to serve. Saying goodbye to him for two years was one of the saddest and hardest days of my life. (I’ll spare you the details.) It was really hard to adjust to him being gone but eventually life went on. I moved away to college and did a semester before I also turned in my own mission papers. Six months later I left to serve in the China Hong Kong mission and what an incredible adventure that was!

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